Monday 19 March 2012


The way that this government should be run isn’t with political parties that argue for a year on a single topic and then decide that their decision is in our best interest, it should be run by the public voting every single day. Any and all topics that currently go through parliament for a solution should be put to a public vote. All jobcentres and town/village halls should accommodate Permanente voting stations. Not only would this method give every person their fair share of a say in our country but it would also create thousands of jobs for the unemployed (we would need around three people per voting station to ensure that they are running efficiently). People would be able to vote just on the topics that actually affect them and if anyone wanted to vote on subjects that didn’t effect them then they could. Political parties shouldn’t exist, there should only be spokespeople who argue there points of view on TV debates, and representatives of the UK who go to meetings with other countries, but not even these representatives would decide anything they would simply be their to tell other countries the decision  that was voted for. This system would be flawless everyone would be happy.  

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